Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden and Environment Team Update

Thursday was very productive clearing out two garden beds and sowing some spring onion seeds, which we had collected and dried earlier this year.  Our broad beans that we planted just before the break are going very well and we will have to build trellis’ next week to manage their growth.  Unfortunately, the wet weather prevents us from working in the garden as it is very slippery, so we spent Friday planning more projects for the term.  We have applied for a National Science Week Grant for the introduction of worm farms at BGS.  We have just started to put out compost bins and collect compost from lunch time and hopefully we will be able to establish a good compost by the end of the year.

The environment team is also looking into waste reduction and better recycling at BGS.  Before the next Campus News, we hope to have a plan that we can share with you.

Ms Delanie Lewis