Leadership is an Act of Service

Student leadership has always been a central focus at St Margaret’s with a range of opportunities offered for young women to grow in this area. In Term 1, this began with Vice Principal, Dr Steven Middleton’s speech at Assembly which reminded staff and students that leadership is about giving back and creating effective change in the community, not acquiring a badge. Mentors and Year 12 students reiterated this message during Mentor time where they led a discussion with the younger year levels about what it means to be a leader on a day-to-day basis.

To be elected as a leader at St Margaret’s, an application process must be followed to ensure the requirements of the position are met. This includes a written application that outlines why and how the student meets the selection criteria, a speech presented to peers with a similar focus followed by a formal voting process. Some changes were made at the start of 2019 to ensure each selection criteria closely reflected our school values of Courage, Curiosity, Character and Respect; an initiative that aligns with our Strategic Plan.

In Cunningham, Gipson and Campbell, students were provided with six leadership opportunities in each level from Year 7-11. These roles included House, Magazine, Social Service, Student Representative Committee and Environment Representatives. Individuals elected in each year level report to the Year 12 captain for each portfolio. In effect, all initiatives are student created and implemented.

Each House celebrated the election of these positions in Week 5 through House Captain led initiations. This included a series of fun activities for some of the student leaders to compete in. Students were provided with a badge to wear on their school blazer to signify their position of responsibility.

Yet, regardless of whether a badge is pinned on a lapel, at St Margaret’s we create a culture where all students are leaders. All students are leaders in the way they provide empathic support to friends in need, respect for those with opposing views to their own and standing up for what is right; a proud St Margaret’s legacy which we intend to uphold indefinitely.

Mrs Sherril Gurney, Mr David Bennett and Ms Whitney Stiles
Head of House (Gipson, Cunningham and Campbell)