Performing Arts

Our philosophy in performing arts is summed up by the phrase, "open to all". Every student at our School is encouraged to find a vehicle for their creative expression and seize upon one or several of the opportunities to experience excellence in the Artistic realms.

Our School philosophy of an experience of excellence and opportunity for growth gains expression in students taking themselves beyond their comfort zone in the many and varied realms of performance. Whilst artistic and creative expression is at the forefront of these experiences, the challenges and choices provided through the collaborative and team related opportunities can be both life-enhancing and changing experiences with a unique capacity to equip young people with essential skills and character traits.

Alongside our academic drama curriculum, we offer a broad and exciting co-curricular provision that includes clubs, workshops and Speech and Drama coaching. We run ambitious shows in the Rosanove Theatre; including a large production that is open to everyone in the school, giving students a rounded experience of putting on a play with full production values, including large sets.

The big shows are by no means the only opportunities on offer. House competitions capture the competitive spirit of the St Margaret’s Berwick Grammar students and are a display of teamwork and talent.

Students can get involved in any aspect of these productions, including acting, backstage work, technical assistance with sound and lighting, and publicity. What they get from it is a shared experience that gives them skills they will always find useful, notably creativity, teamwork, communication, decision making, risk-taking and presentation.

Performing Arts in the Classroom Curriculum

  • Year 7 Drama (Core for all students)
  • Year 8 Drama (Core for all students)
  • Year 9 Drama Elective Subjects
  • Year 10 Drama Elective Subjects
  • VCE Units 1 to 4 in Theatre Studies

Performing arts is a critical activity that brings the school together and is a significant engagement point with the boys school.

Performing Arts in the Co-Curricular Program

Individual based learning including:

  • Drama Classes with leading sessional staff
  • Dance Opportunities and workshops with leading sessional staff

Ensemble Program including:

  • School Productions
  • GSV program – Drama, and Theatre Sports
  • Stage Craft Experiences, working across all Performing Arts events
A dedicated centre

Our dedicated Music and Performing Arts Centre boasts a 750-seat auditorium with a professional stage, orchestra pit, lighting and sound equipment. The venue hosts many varied performances including plays, musicals, recitals, choirs, and concerts.

Experienced staff

Our Music Director and Head of Performing Arts leads a team of 10 full-time staff and 15 part-time and sessions music teachers.

Covering a range of creative endeavours

The facility also boasts a dedicated drama room, Junior and Senior choir rooms as well as individual tutor rooms in addition to the range of music equipment available.

Shaping lifelong values

Embodied within the Performing Arts program, all students will learn, understand, and outwork the school values of Courage, Curiosity, Character, and Respect.