Writers Blog!

The SMS Summit Department has been working closely with the English Departments at both St Margaret’s Senior School and Berwick Grammar School to establish an online Blog to share some outstanding examples of writing our students have produced. English staff will continue to select exemplars throughout the year to feature on the site for our student and parent community to view and share widely. The opportunity to have their writing published in a public forum is an exciting one for our senior students and will be expanded throughout the year to incorporate more writing genres. To begin with a selection of short stories from across Year 8 and 9 have been chosen to get the blog started. A secondary purpose for the site is to feature a range of competition opportunities available to the students to test their writing prowess against authors from around the region and the nation. To subscribe to the feed and receive email notifications when new work is published navigate to the About page on the site and fill in the subscription form. In a fantastic synergy between learning areas in the senior levels, the ongoing maintenance and design of the site will be undertaken by selected girls enrolled in senior Computing subjects working with me to gain ‘real world’ experience of website design and creation.

Visit the blog at http://writers.stmargarets.vic.edu.au or http://writers.berwickgrammar.vic.edu.au

Mr Chris Wyatt
Head of the Summit Program, St Margaret’s Senior School