VCE Success

Dear St Margaret’s and Berwick Grammar School Community,

At St Margaret’s and Berwick Grammar School we strive to be our best selves, now and in the future, for the betterment of all humanity and the planet. While academic results are important, they are but part of a young person’s development. We are very proud of all our students – their academic results, social and community achievements and the difference they make to the lives of others. The Class of 2017 have embodied Virtute et Labore, in that they have approached their studies and school life showing strength and effort. We wish them well as they move forward to take their place in the world demonstrating the CURIOSITY to know and learn through exercising COURAGE to do the right thing, CHARACTER to be one’s best self and RESPECT to live wisely and compassionately with others and the planet.

We are delighted to announce that the Dux for St Margaret’s School this year is Sophie Li who attained an ATAR score 99.85 and Dux of Berwick Grammar School is Kash Gaitely achieving a 99.0 ATAR.

Congratulations to the graduating students of 2017

At St Margaret’s

  • 19% of the year level achieved ATAR scores over 95
  • 20% attained a study score over 40

At Berwick Grammar

  • 9% of students achieved an ATAR over 95 placing them in the top 5% of the nation
  • 13% attained a study score over 40

We wish all our students all the very best in their future endeavours.

Ms Annette Rome