SMS Year 10 Work Experience

Congratulations to all our Year 10 SMS students who participated in Work Experience from May 2 to May 6.  SMS students participated in Work Experience in a variety of workplace settings, for example, health care, law related organisations, education, animal welfare and financial services.  Feedback from teachers who visited students was very positive. Students were approaching this opportunity with enthusiasm, commitment and interest.  Participating in Work Experience provides a valuable insight into various occupations, industries and careers which assists young people with career development pathways and choices.  Students are required to submit a Workplace Journal and will reflect on their experience during Year 10 Futures.

Mrs Bev Dawes
Careers teacher


Student reflection:

Overall work experience was a great experience for me. Although it was very hard and challenging, I would definitely do it again in a heartbeat. It was the best thing I’ve done in a long time and I really enjoyed myself. Although hairdressing is very challenging it will definitely be something that I will look into for my future job. Alexander Stamatopoulos – Hairdressing Placement

Throughout this experience I have learned a great deal about a variety of careers within the medicine field. Spending a whole day in the clinic with …….. allowed me to discover a lot about the role of a paediatrician and a variety of different conditions that they consult their patients about (for example: autism, allergies, developmental problems and even frequent fainting spells).  Charolotte Jones – Medical Placement

Experiencing a work environment was extremely interesting. I enjoyed being able to be independent and through work experience, I became more confident with having to get to different places on my own, and making my own travel arrangements. Work experience was helpful in clarifying my career goals. Jayarupi Pahala-Vithana – Law Placement