The greyness and persistent drizzle of the beginning of the day on Thursday 24 May did nothing to dampen the enthusiasm and excitement of many students, particularly the Year 7 and 8 students, as they participated in different activities organized throughout the day. The splashes of colour in national costumes worn with pride by students from another culture were an apt reminder of the fact that many of our students, already bilingual, are able to learn a third language, either Chinese or French, at our school. Languages Day gives our Year 7 and 8 students the opportunity for experience in hands-on activities such as Chinese Painting, French Painting, Kung Fu or Tai Chi, Chinese Fan Dancing, Music and Dance around the globe and, of course, popular food dishes in the Lunchbox renamed La Cantine and brightly decorated for the day. A new initiative this year was to buy authentic crepes from the Crêpes for Change “Food Truck” which is a Not for Profit venture raising funds for Homeless Youth.

Mrs Marianne Welton
Learning Leader Languages