Eureka Stockade Murals

For the Unit of Inquiry, Where We Are in Place and Time, Year 5 students recently inquired into a very important event in Australia’s history, the Eureka Stockade. After completing some preliminary thinking, students developed a list of interesting questions on the Eureka Stockade based on the concepts of ‘causation’ and ‘change’. Following collaborative research to answer their questions, students shared their new understandings and thinking on a group mural.  Some student questions under exploration were, ‘What was the cause of the Eureka Stockade and what changes happened as a result of this?’

This task allowed the Year 5 students to practise some key attributes of the PYP learner profile, developing their skills as thinkers, inquirers, risk-takers, communicators and knowledgeable learners.

Mrs Joanne Cardullo
Year 5 teacher