Asking for help…

Asking for help is a challenging concept. It means that you have to acknowledge that you aren’t coping, which is a big thing – for both adults and young people. Often we can have the misconception that it is ‘weak’ to ask for help, when actually it takes a lot of strength and courage to begin asking. Here is a list of some of the barriers and benefits when asking for help (Lifeline, 2020).

Barriers to asking for help:

  • Thinking a problem will go away by itself
  • Being embarrassed or afraid to ask for help
  • Thinking you should be able to cope without help
  • Thinking no one wants to help or will understand
  • Thinking things aren’t bad enough to seek help
  • Not knowing where to find help
  • Lack of support services nearby
  • Thinking you’ll be judged
  • Thinking help is too expensive/time consuming

Benefits of Asking for help:

  • Feeling less stressed
  • Relief through sharing your thoughts/feelings
  • Finding solutions and ways to cope
  • Gaining some perspective
  • Reducing your sense of loneliness and isolation
  • Building stronger relationships with friends and family
  • Prevent problems getting bigger
  • Assist others when they need it

Some support options available to you:

  • Family and Friends
  • Your GP
  • Telephone/online helplines, eg. lifeline, kids help line, parentline, mensline, 1800respect, eheadspace,
  • Workplace EAP services
  • Experts and professionals: Private/public mental health services, School Psychologists

You can refer your child for counselling at school or to an external provider. Please note that we offer brief counselling at school, for school related or social challenges. For other matters, an external referral may be more appropriate. Please contact your child’s teacher (ELC/Junior School) or Head of House (Senior School) if you have increased concerns for your child’s mental health.

Here are some further readings you may also find helpful on the topic:


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